As J continues to receive postcards from the world over, it astounds me how familiar "foreign" lands appear. (You will now proceed to get "It's a Small World after all" stuck in your head for the rest of the day.) I'm sure I've seen field just like this while driving out West.
Card #: IT-130169
From: squino
Origin: Italy
Caption: Toscana
Val d'Orcia - Da
Pienza verso
l' Amiata (Tuscany--Valley of Orcia - from Pienza towards Mount Amiata)
Note: "Hello, J, people say that one of the main characteristics in Tuscany is landscape. I'm sorry that you can only imagine horses, hares, gooses, wild boars, deers, pheasants, foxes, badgers....Mount Amiata in the background is the only ski resort in Southern Tuscany. Bye, Riccardo & Billy (dog)