Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Barn Quilts of Kankakee County

Too bad it's not Grateful Friday--but I can't wait!

Yesterday, I took my Mom and Aunt with me to tour the Barn Quilts of Kankakee County. This was Mom's birthday present, but we had decided to wait until the fall trees were in their glory. We could not have picked a better day.
  • The weather was perfect and the colors were magnificent. I am in awe of God's creation and man's creativity. 
  • I am humbled by the gracious hospitality shown toward strangers.
  • I am thankful for His protection, both for us as we traveled many miles and for our precious men-folk who experienced a small field fire while harvesting. (Yes, my initial reaction was the same as yours. The fields are wicked dry this year, but they are wise and experienced. It was quickly contained, no one was hurt, and no damage was done. Thank you, Father!)
  • I am also appreciative of close-knit family relationships, as I am aware that not everyone is as fortunate...and time is fleeing.
  • I am thankful for folks with a passion to preserve history and culture and share it with others in such a personal way.
  • I am happy that I was taught how to read a map!
  • Most of all, I feel ridiculously fortunate to be living here in the country myself. I cannot begin to count all the reasons that makes me feel blessed.
But you probably want pictures, right?

Specific information about many of the barns and quilt blocks is available HERE. We still have more to see in Kankakee County. And then it's on to another tour! I'm going to see if there are plans for Barn Quilts in my own county. We'll see where this takes us!