Friday, May 29, 2009
Suicidal Toads

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Honey Bee Swarm
This afternoon we were privileged to be the temporary hosts for a Honey Bee Swarm. The short story is that a new queen hatches out in an existing hive. When she is mature, she leaves the hive taking a number of drones with her. They land in a temporary place while scouts search for a new suitable location. They can be there for minutes, an hour or a day. After hanging out on our mailbox for about 5 hours, they left. We followed the cloud as it moved across our yard and disappeared over the corn field. Very cool.

I see a Honey Bee stamp in my future.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Yesterday's Treasures
Thought I'd share just a couple of "treasures" from yesterday's 5 1/2 mile, 8 box planting spree.
This is the first time I've had my camera when the May Apples were in bloom. It is interesting to me that a majority of the woodland flowers have white blooms. Why is that?

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Treasures of Hiking, pt. 2
Again, just a few pictures of some of the "treasures" we have seen while letterboxing. This time~Fauna
We have seen deer a number of times while out on our adventures, usually up close and as a complete surprise. More often, we see the evidence that they are nearby. My oldest is fascinated by footprints.
Maybe this doesn't quite count because they are contained, but there are a couple of local preserves where you can see Buffalo. They are always impressive and invariably start the girls singing "Home on the Range".
One of my favorite things is hearing my girls giggle after something has unexpectedly crossed our path. Those encounters can't be planned, and I'm glad! It would spoil the fun to have control over every detail.
Speaking of encounters...I nearly stepped on this Garter basking on the path yesterday. I shrieked like a little schoolgirl; not because I am afraid of snakes, but because it started me so much. The girls have seen me hold snakes much larger than this one, so they laughed at me. It was completely embarrassing. A short time later, we saw a juvenile Fox snake, but it was faster than I was with the camera. And No, I didn't scream that time.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Treasure Hiking
If you are not aware of the up and coming aspect of letterboxing known as Treasure Hiking, a simple search on AQ will supply all the info you could need. The gist is that you can earn rewards for hiking in pursuit of new letterboxes.
While I am looking forward to coordinating for Illinois and earning my own pathtags, hiking has always yielded intangible treasures for me. The next few posts will be boring for most people, but will share some of my favorite forest findings.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold, Mate."~Cap'n Jack Sparrow
Flora...I have a gazillion pictures of plants because I simply can't help myself. Just ask my family. Every bloom, seed, and tendril is fascinating. I will restrain myself and only post a few of those seen on letterboxing adventures. They might not all be fancy, but each are jewels in their own right.
I have not identified this one yet, but I love how delicate and fragile it seems. Maybe that is part of the appeal of woodland flowers. They are only in bloom for such a fleeting period of time and then they are gone. If you are lucky enough to see them, it is like being part of a closely guarded secret. Sounds like buried treasure to me!
While I am looking forward to coordinating for Illinois and earning my own pathtags, hiking has always yielded intangible treasures for me. The next few posts will be boring for most people, but will share some of my favorite forest findings.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold, Mate."~Cap'n Jack Sparrow
Flora...I have a gazillion pictures of plants because I simply can't help myself. Just ask my family. Every bloom, seed, and tendril is fascinating. I will restrain myself and only post a few of those seen on letterboxing adventures. They might not all be fancy, but each are jewels in their own right.

Friday, May 15, 2009
A Bunny in the Hand...
...is worth six in the garden.
A last second reverse heave on the levers of the hydrostatic mower managed to avert an accidental massacre. Chopping baby bunnies is never a pleasant thing, no matter how cold-hearted the person. The unintended consequence is that for the last two weeks we have been protecting rodents.
What follows is a tale of conflict. A war, as it were, between the ever-so-practical-facts-of-life-no-matter-how-brutal-they-are side of me and the isn't-it-adorable-don't-you-just-want-to-hug-it side.
An inexperienced doe scratched a little runnel inside our Border Collie's pen. Fortunately for her babies, all of Kirby's killing instincts have been bred right out of him. He checks on them every time he does his rounds, but other than that is leaving them alone. You could say that they are the most well herded rabbits around.
At the time of the near fatal mowing, the niece and nephews from next door, plus our own daughters were present. We have never tried to shield our kids from the fact that death, while not pleasant, is part of this fallen world. However, when there are six children clamouring around, there is no such thing as discrete, humane dispatch. Which is why I have been giving daily progress reports, keeping the backyard light off to keep from scaring mom away, and even running out in the rain to cover them so they don't drown.
Their names are Clover, Thumper, Dandelion, Hazel, Fiver and Sixer. Between the coyotes, hawks, stray cats, and foxes, one of them might make it to adulthood. The last of the bunch struck out on it's own this morning to seek it's fortune in the wide world. It's probably hiding in my rhubarb.
A last second reverse heave on the levers of the hydrostatic mower managed to avert an accidental massacre. Chopping baby bunnies is never a pleasant thing, no matter how cold-hearted the person. The unintended consequence is that for the last two weeks we have been protecting rodents.
What follows is a tale of conflict. A war, as it were, between the ever-so-practical-facts-of-life-no-matter-how-brutal-they-are side of me and the isn't-it-adorable-don't-you-just-want-to-hug-it side.

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