Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Has The Rain A Father?

I love this photo. More than that, I loved standing on our porch as the thunderheads raced across the the sky. Moments later it was raining "pitchforks and hammer handles". Until I came to live in the country, I had little appreciation for the drama of an approaching storm.

Many people, but children especially (and Kirby), are terrified of storms. The girls and I have water music concerts and remind ourselves that the Almighty "has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain, and a way for the thunderbolt." (Job 38:25). That means He knows what it's going to hit before He releases the lightning from his hand. Ponder that for a moment of two. I can never guarantee that a natural disaster won't affect my girls. But I can assure them that it will never be outside of God's control.

Chapter 37 of Job is a wonderful storm passage too.

Here are some of our Water Music songs:
Showers of Blessing
Spring of Living Water
Deep 'n Wide (in spite of it's utter lack of any spiritual significance)
On Jordan's Stormy Banks
Higher Ground
Shall We Gather at the River
Shelter in the Time of Storm
I'll be a Sunbeam
All Hail The Power (Yes, I've explained about the hail)
O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Heaven Came Down
My Father Planned it All
It Is Well With My Soul

There are plenty more, but it's not raining now, so I'm having trouble thinking of them. :)